This multiple-sheet design by Kunisada portrays a Sukeroku play. First performed in the early 18th century, many adaptations of the vendetta tale have appeared on the stage since. The story always centers on Sukeroku, a young hotheaded samurai who searches the Yoshiwara brothel district for his father’s killer, the bearded villain Ikyū. At the same time, the courtesan Agemaki is caught up in a love triangle with the two men. In 1822 in the Kawarasaki Theatre in Edo a version was performed called Sukeroku sakura no futaeobi (Sukeroku, Two Cherry Blossom Sashes), with the kabuki superstar Matsumoto Kōshirō V (1764–1838) in the lead role of Sukeroku. Kōshirō V was actually more famous for his depiction of the story’s villain, Ikyū. However, on this occasion that role belonged to Nakamura Daikichi (1773–1823), in one of his final performances.